A treasure chest surrounded by the Euganean hills, between clear canals and porticoes rich in history: Padua summarizes all the Venetian refinement, with its works of art, squares and palaces. Together with an expert guide, walk through the city center to discover its treasures. Reach the Jewish ghetto and enter the Church of the Eremitani to admire the works of Giusto de' Menabuoi and Guariento. Then delight your palate with the tasting of a “Padua-style” coffee, an espresso covered with an emulsion of cream and mint and a sprinkling of cocoa. Conclude the experience with a visit to the Baptistery of San Giovanni, among Cimabue's mosaics and a cycle of fourteenth-century frescoes, a UNESCO heritage site since 2021. To fall in love step by step with the most authentic nuances of the city.